Thursday, 2 October 2014

New Map Shows The Best Places In The World To Grow Old

Stefano Pozzebon

Global AgeWatch Index 2014

The Global Age Watch Index has released a ranking of the best countries in the world to grow old.
The map about shows how 96 countries ranked. Counties in green have a lower number on the Index ranking, meaning there is a better quality of life for older people. Countries in red have a higher number on the Index ranking, meaning the quality of life for older people is not as good.

Below is a list of the top 10 countries.
1. Norway knocked Sweden out of the top spot in 2014.
2. Sweden ranked number one in 2013.
3. Switzerland has the best public transport for older people: 83% people over 50 are satisfied with the local public transportation system.
4. Canada has the most self-confident population of older people: 100% of residents over 50 feel their life has meaning.
5. Germany makes up the largest share of the older population out of the ranked European countries, with 27% of all Germans over age 60.
6. The Netherlands spends the largest share of GDP on public pension plans — every Dutchman over 65 receives a monthly pension of $1,405.
7. Iceland has the lowest poverty/age rate: only 1.6% of Icelanders over 60 earn less than half of the median income.
8. The United States has the largest aging population of the top 10: 65 million.
9. Japan has the highest life expectancy out of the top 10: 86 years.
10. New Zealand has the lowest GDP per capital at $25,270.

county/koun'tē/ (n): hạt, tỉnh
knock/nɔk/ (v): đánh quỵ; hạ (uy thế của ai...)
public transport: phương tiện giao thông công cộng
satisfy/'sætisfai/ (v): làm thoả mãn, làm hài lòng
self-confident/¸self´kɔnfidənt/ (adj): tự tin, có lòng tin ở bản thân
resident/'rezidənt/ (n): cư dân
public pension plan: kế hoạch lương hưu công cộng
poverty/ˈpɒvəti/ (n): sự nghèo nàn, sự thiếu thốn
life expectancy/iks´pektənsi/: tuổi thọ dự tính

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